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马来西亚流浪狗 Stray Dogs in Malaysia [guest post by S]

Writer's picture: Xiwen YeohXiwen Yeoh

[Disclaimer: I do not own this piece of article, but I did the edition and translation. English version will be shown under the Chinese one.]

Image taken from Malaysian Independent Animal Rescue.


今天我写这篇文章,除了是想痛批博大学生代表的作风 之外,也想让更多的人了解我国处理流浪狗的方法,已演变成什么样的地步了。如果你认为被抓到的流浪狗都会被送到一个庇护所,等待一星期之后,没人领养就人道毁灭,那么你只是答对了一半。因为那是两三年以前的事了。要知道,马来西亚是一个属于经济衰退的国家。由于资金不足,许许多多的流浪猫狗庇护所都因此,静悄悄地关闭了。那些剩下没被领养的狗狗猫猫都一一被送去安乐死… 其实,大家只要试想想我国的动物园就好了,有哪一间是做到有声有色的呢?更别说是流浪猫狗庇护所了。


接下来,让我们了解他们是如何逮捕流浪狗狗的。“心狠手辣”四个字莫过于形容他们抓狗的行动了。要知道的是,第一,他们并不是爱狗狗协会的组织;第二,他们是收到“解决流浪狗狗”的通知而不是“放生”或“结扎”的行动。你知道他们是如何逮捕狗狗的吗?首先,他们将会准备一些食物引诱流浪狗狗,然后用一个器具套住它的颈项,而当狗狗越挣脱,颈圈就会栓的越紧,逃生机会几乎是零。由于没有庇护所的原因,狗狗被抓了之后,就会立刻被解决。看到这里,你应该会想,他们是怎样解决狗狗的呢?人道或不人道? 关于这个问题,我只能做出一个推断,那就是狗狗并不会被以人道的方法解决。第一,因为资金问题,第二,手续麻烦(与不人道方法相比)。凭着以上两点,相信大家心中都有个答案了吧。

针对流浪狗狗解决的方案,我们必须考量到的是资金,道德观以及结果。在博大学生代表专页,就有大学生提议(TNR – trap, neuter and release)“捕捉,结扎与释放”的解决方案。这看似双赢的对策其实早已在我国实行,但又有多少人真正了解以及履行呢?凡是被结扎过的狗狗,耳朵都会被兽医剪去一小块儿,以作记号。但痛心的是,抓狗队似乎对于狗狗耳朵的记号是完全陌生的,他们并不会因为狗狗结扎过而放过狗狗,而是只要收到通知与酬劳就会将狗狗一网打尽,片甲不留。我国并不是先进国,不会像日本等其他国家一样,是真的以人道毁灭的方式解决流浪狗狗问题。所谓人道毁灭就是以不让狗狗感到痛苦的方式结束它们的生命。

最后,我想说的是,如果你很想养狗狗,请切记以领养代替购买。如果你没有任何金钱能力去解决流浪狗狗的问题,就不应该再去制造任何机会对此事加以恶化的伤害。另外,如果你有想过让你家狗狗生育的念头,请自问自己有没有能力照顾和负责它们的子子孙孙。如果没有,请想都别想!真正爱狗的人是不会顾忌狗狗品种的,每一只都有自己独特的个性,而它们每只也都有活着的权利。------ 常言道:“狗儿永远都是人类最好的朋友”。

2016 年 12月 18日

News screenshot from The Star Online. RM100 will be paid to the private company for putting down one dog as stated in the news.

I believe that every dog lovers in UPM have heard of the recent stray dog eradication incident in the campus that has caused an uproar. This incident has given rise to a lot of discussion and argument. Sadly, the opinions of those who upheld animal rights are all talk and no action.

Besides to criticise the action of UPM student representatives, the reason of me writing this article is to let more people understand the way stray dog issue is handled in our country and to what state the method has evolved. If you still think that the stray dogs that were caught will be sent to a shelter, pending for one week, and being put down if they are not adopted, then you are right half-way through. Because that was the way things are done two or three years ago. We know that the economy of Malaysia is going downhill. Since there is not enough funding, many shelters for stray cats and dogs were silently closed down. Those cats and dogs who were not being adopted were euthanized. Actually, we should just think about the zoos in our country, I doubt that there is one that has done a great job. Not to mention animal shelters.

Have you ever thought of who are the people who catch the dogs? And whether they will get any benefit for doing so? The answer is, yes! In Johor, if the dog-catching team got a job notification, their allowance will be RM 100 for each dog they managed to catch. From this perspective, have you started to think about how gravely the consequences of catching the stray dogs this way? It’s just like granting those who catch a mouse RM3, people will start to think of ways to ‘produce’ mice, so that they can earn money by ‘catching’ them. If this twisted idea is applied on handling stray dog issue, unsightly harms will be done.

Next, let us look into the method they use to catch the stray dogs. ‘Ruthless’ is a word that can barely describe their action. We should know that, firstly, they are not dog-loving organization; secondly, they are notified to ‘solve stray dog issue’, not to ‘release’ or ‘spay’. Do you know how do they catch the dog? At the beginning, they will prepare some food to bait the stray dog, then a tool will be used to strap over its neck. The more the dog struggles, the more the strap will tighten up, chances of the dog to escape is almost zero. Since there is no shelter, the dogs that were caught will be eliminated immediately. Up to this point, you might think about how they eliminate the dogs? Is it humane? About this question, I can only make an inference, that is the dogs will not be eliminated humanely. Firstly, there is funding problem. Secondly, the procedure is troublesome (compared to inhumane method). Based on the two points, I believe that we already have an answer.

About the methods used to eliminate stray dogs, we have to consider about funding, ethics and consequences. On the Facebook page of UPM student representatives, there are students who suggested TNR – trap, neuter and release method. This seem-to-be win-win solution has already been done in our country earlier, but how many people have really understood and carried it out? Once the dog is neutered, a tiny piece of its ear will be cut off by the vet as a sign. However, heartbreakingly, the dog-catching team seems to have no idea about the sign on the dog’s ears, they won’t leave the dog alone because the dog is neutered. Once they got the notification and allowance, they will catch all the dogs, without any survivor. Our country is not a developed country such as Japan that humanely euthanizes the dogs. Humane euthanasia is a method used to put a dog to sleep without causing any suffering.

Finally, what I want to say is, if you really wish to own a dog, please remember to adopt instead of buying. If you don’t have money to solve the stray dog issue, you should not create any other chances to worsen the harms done. Besides, if you are thinking about letting your dog breeding, you should ask yourself whether you have the ability to take care and take responsibilities towards its children and grandchildren. If the answer is no, please never think about it! A person who truly loves dogs will not care about the breed of the dogs, each of them has their own personality, and each of them also has the right to live. ----- As the adage goes, “Dogs are humans’ best friends.”



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